I've traveled near and far and this is the first time jet-lag has kicked my ass so hard! But more importantly the first screening of the feature length version of Handmade Nation was a huge success!

I didn't get one in-focus photo of people watching the film because I was so nervous I was all shaky! Look, there is Tracy Bull of Happy Owl Glass on the screen in Germany!
In case you haven't been keeping up on my insane travels or the status of the film I'll catch you up oh-so-quick.

People worked on projects and drank while they listened to the programing.
The all female artist collective Chicks On Speed hosted the event Viva La Craft which is a part of their ongoing series called Girl Monster. The programing for this event in Hamburg held at Kampnagel included the world premiere of Handmade Nation, a dye workshop with Kathi Glas, a lecture from the lovely ladies from Tatty Devine from the UK and a performance from the Paris based band Koko Von Napoo.

It was so exciting to see the film in it's final form projected on to a big screen. Of course it was a bit strange to be screening it to a German speaking audience, but everyone in here seems to speak a lot of English. There was definitely some stuff lost in translation. There were some full time English speakers in attendance who gave me great feedback too which was awesome! Now I just can't wait for the premiere in Milwaukee this Thursday and NYC the next week!!
Today I also had the opportunity to speak with Dirk a freelance reporter from Deutschlandradio Kultur, what seems to be the equivalent to NPR in the states, who is doing a segment on craft and handmade. Dirk was a super nice guy who had some really fantastic questions for me. I can't wait to hear the results (which I'm assuming will be half in German half in English since my interview was in English). It is really interesting to speak with people outside of the United States about what is going on with this handmade revolution and their perspective on it. Also, everyone is really amped on our new president by the way!
A BIG thank you to Chicks On Speed for this opportunity and all the work they do around the world by bringing talented women together to share their work!

Here I am backstage with all the German snacks they left out for us! The rest of the photos can be found HERE and some others are on including a lot of street art and whatnot are on my personal flickr site HERE.