Thursday, October 11, 2007

It's official!

Here are some funny pictures of Cortney and I after we signed our contracts for the book over margaritas this week! I look exhausted, but soooo excited!!

Cortney Heimerl, Co-author of Handmade Nation

Faythe Levine, Co-author of Handmade Nation


Sheikasaurus Rex said...

I've heard so much about the upcoming book, I'm excited to see so much progress. Also intrigued by the documentary, I'll be keeping watch.

Anonymous said...

Hey there kids,
Awesome book idea. There's a similar rise in crafty things in Australia at the moment, particularly in Melbourne, where I live.
Have you guys done any research on goings on outside of the US? It's what I'm writing my masters thesis on, and I'd be interested to hear what you've come up with.
Definitely buying a copy of the book when it's out (so make sure it's on Amazon, or etsy or somewhere!).

kenni said...

must have been quite a busy day for you guys. just saw your blog and i think this will be a good reading. :)

Chris Bassoo said...

Posted by Christopher Bassoo, Canada

I wanted to thank you for the informative and enjoyable read. I have been sitting here with my coffee and laptop enjoying a Bassoo family evening. Again many thanks, warmest of regards Chris Bassoo, Toronto, Canada