I just received my advance copy of Betsy Greer's new book Knitting For Good in the mail this week. It's so awesome. I read it a bit back, but holding your friends finished book in your hands makes you feel so proud, especially when the books message is so empowering and positive. I'm also excited because on the back there is my very first printed endorsement, so very official!

Pre-order it HERE
Yesterday Cortney and I spent the day at the Midwest Express Convention Center at the Fine Furnishings & Fine Craft Show. It was a strange experience since it was a really straight forward show. The organizer Karla had read my article in the NY Times and invited us to be a part of the program which was really nice. Both Cortney and I brought sewing projects and mostly just chatted with each other. We did meet a handful of nice folks and sold a few copies of the book too.

Finally posted a few photos from Renegade Chicago a few weeks ago. It was so rainy that I didn't take that many pictures on Saturday. Sunday we ended up not setting up, just couldn't risk getting all the books damp and moldy.....

Cortney & Bob setting up

We picked up our new patterns from Sublime Stitching!!!! More on this soon....

Cortney & Bob setting up

We picked up our new patterns from Sublime Stitching!!!! More on this soon....