Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Saturday, February 23, 2008
March 22nd, Poketo Artshow in Los Angeles

March 22nd, Poketo Artshow in Los Angeles
Originally uploaded by poketo.
If only I could afford to fly to all the shows I wanted to be at every weekend.... If you are in the Los Angeles area, check this show out!!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Total value $82.00
Tickets cost $2 EACH, one winner will be selected at random. Enter as many times as you want, winner will be announced the last week of March and the package will ship thereafter. All proceeds will go towards production cost for film.

Right before I left for Tucson I received a copy of “I Heart Felt: 33 inspired eye popping projects for the inspired knitter” by Kathleen Taylor published by Taunton Press for review. I’ve spent the last hour of my flight thumbing though it, learning about the process of felting and the final outcomes when using different yarns and reading about the projects that Kathleen has laid out for you step by step.
I found “I Heart Felt” to be clean and colorful, with an easy to read layout. The book is broken down into four basic segments: 1. The Basics, 2. Playing With Texture, 3. Using Color and 4. Exploring Embellishments. The 33 projects that fall within these four chapters all include a material list, knitting directions, sizing directions and any additional sewing instructions.
I definitely recommend this book for people who have some basic/advanced knitting skills; the projects go from simple adornments to advanced knitting patterns so make sure you brush up on your stitches before making your yarn purchases.
I think that the best thing about “I Heart Felt” is that the maker can use it as a platform for his or her own creative process and projects. Available on Amazon.com HERE.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentines Day, I'm in the Chicago airport on my way to Tucson, AZ to visit a friend and warm up a bit. On my way to Chicago via bus from Milwaukee I took notes on CRAFT INC. the first book I will be reviewing out of the stack I received last week.
Today marks the laucnh of a new online magazine called DIY City Magazine, editor Wendy did a phone interview with me a few weeks back about the documentary and you can see their article and fantastic layout HERE.
From the mouth of the editors:

In our first issue you will find NYC themed products, as well as some of our favorite DIY resources. We will also bring you an inside look at some indie designers living and working in New York. Each issue will highlight a different, exciting DIY city. In the second issue of DIY City mag, we will bring you DIY stories and resources from New Orleans. We will also bring you daily stories of DIYs from around the globe at DIY City. DIY City mag may be coming soon to a city near you. Be sure to join our DIY City community at diycityguides.ning.com to help us build the most comprehensive resource guide for DIY. DIY City Community will be your place to locate do-it-yourself supplies, resources and indie artists in a city near you.
Look for the NYC symbol – this will be an indication that the indie designer or shop is located in NYC. We are always looking for contributors and DIY project submissions – e-mail us at diycitymag at gmail.com with your ideas.
We would like to thank all our contributors, designers, shop owners and friends that we have met along the way – without all of you DIY City would not exist.
Deb and Wendy
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Here in good ol' Wisconsin we are in the middle of an offical blizzard- 12+ inches just today, and I'm off to bartend to those neighborhood folks who are willing to brave the elements!
Saturday, February 02, 2008
I usually never reference anything astrological since that is my dads job, but when Mercury goes retrograde it really messes me up.
However, I did receive an email from Sabrina Gschwandtner of KnitKnit who was on NPR this week- it's a great interview go HERE to check it out.
Also via the NPR site was video of the knitting drummer that I saw at Maker Faire in Austin this Fall. Here it is for those of you who were not there: