How is it Thursday? No really, how can the entire week be gone?
We all gathered in Austin to share, learn and celebrate the idea of Making.
Maker Faire 2007 was fantastic!
Yes, this
really is a giant home made human powered ride that was there.... I was on the phone with Nathan telling him how much fun I was having and how it was 90 degrees out and this thing comes a-rollin' around the corner..... don't get me wrong, it went pretty slow.
For those of you who may be a bit behind I was invited to speak at
Maker Faire last weekend, to share my experience of making
Handmade Nation and to talk about the DIY Craft community. My talk was 30 minutes long and included the revised version of the clip. Three BIG first's happend:
#1. It was the first time I had ever spoke to a large audience.
#2. It was the first time I had ever watched a group of people watch the film footage.
#3. It was the first time I had SEEN the footage on a big screen!!
My talk went well, I got good feedback and I didn't choke up, blank-out OR swear (at least I don't remember swearing) so I am really pleased with that....
As far as the rest of the event weekend I have nothing but rave reviews. I got to learn how to crochet, use a loom, watch ladies hand make lace, see a human mouse trap in action, watch hundreds of bottles of
coke explode (click that to watch the movie on the MAKE blog) with the aid of a mentos, check it out...

Makers of all shapes came out to represent: tech geeks, organic farmers, crafty hipsters, skilled crafts people, bike builders, side show freaks and tons of rad family's with kids who had a blast.
Here is a quick re-cap of my 72 hours in Austin
I left at 5 a.m. for Austin from Milwaukee on Saturday October 20th

I saw the sun rise outside the plane window....

Got to Maker Faire by 12:00 in the afternoon!!
George Hotz, the 17 year old
who cracked the iphone...
Jenny Hart of
Sublime Stitching gave a great talk about her skills, inspiration and business

Human Sized Mouse Trap, yes...
just like the game!!
I couldn't resist, here is the game (it never was as cool to play as it was on the commercial, right?)
These ladies make lace by hand!!

This guy named
Cory Fogel had a conceptual project called "
Purl Drums" where he was knitting and playing drums at the same time, for two days!!

Thank you
O'Reilly Media for inviting me to be a part of such a fantastic experience.
psssst.. O'Reilly Media is responsible not only for
Maker Faire but the fantastic magazines know as
I took over 400 photographs (I know totally excessive) BUT then I had a disastrous camera problem. Thankfully, my good friend and assistant editor of Handmade Nation,
Joe Wong retrieved the photos using some magic software and a wave of a wand....
The entire flickr set is HERE